TEXAS Super Star Youth Sports Group is a Non Profit Organization. The Mission of this organization is to create the LEADERS of Tomorrow TODAY. We use Academic tutoring and Sport training to demonstrate to Young People that Work Ethic is the key to success and unlimited opportunity.
St. Mark’s School of Texas will be hosting its fifth annual NAQT
tournament on Saturday, March 2, 2013 in Dallas, Texas at St. Mark’s
(10600 Preston Rd., Dallas, TX 75230). This year, the event will
feature a MiddleSchool division, along with separate Varsity and Novice divisions for high school. This tournament will be directed by St. Mark’s coach, Paul Mlarkar.
Check-in will open at 8:00 a.m., an informational team meeting will
begin at 8:30 a.m., and the first round of matches will start at 8:45
a.m. It will be an official NAQT tournament. It will also serve as a qualifying tournament for the Texas State Championship. We will be using NAQT tournament set IS-124 for
high school, and either CMST or NAQT MS-06 for middle school. Rounds
will be played in two untimed halves with 10 questions each half plus
bonuses. The format of the tournament (either round robin or double
elimination) will be determined after the field of teams is set and will
be dependent on the number of teams participating in each division. A
minimum of seven matches is guaranteed for all teams participating in
the tournament.
Schools may bring multiple teams. Please indicate on the
registration form if the team(s) will be participating in
theMiddle School (MS), Novice (N), or Varsity (V) division. The cost of
the tournament will be $90 per team. Each school is also requested to
bring at least one fully operational buzzer system. Each team will
receive a copy of the questions at the conclusion of the tournament.
In order to register, please send coach’s name, school’s name, school
phone, coach’s cell phone, number of teams, divisions for those teams,
and number of buzzers to mlakarp@smtexas.org.
Please complete the attached registration form and return it on or
before February 19. Entry fees or purchase orders should be made out to
St. Mark’s School of Texas and directed to:
St. Mark’s School of Texas
Attn: Paul Mlakar
10600 Preston Road
Dallas, TX 75230
If you have additional questions, please email Paul at mlakarp@smtexas.org, or call me at (office) 214-346-8451 or (cell) 214-797-7384.
For three days in early January, 24 students from across the
state of Texas participated in the first ever Texas Quiz Bowl Winter
Training Camp in New Bruanfels. The students participated in 20 practice
matches, attended lectures about learning theories applicable to quiz
bowl, and participated in seminars about the construction and writing of
tossups. Each student focused on one of British Literature, European
History, Chemistry, or Thinkers.
teams from across the state of Texas participated in the fifth edition
of the Houston Holiday Hoedown on Saturday at Yes Prep in South Houston.
Belton High School and St. John’s School won the red and black
divisions respectively. Full Stats are available here. Red Top 8: Belton A, St. Mark’s C (2nd), Awty (3rd), Clements B (3rd), Clements A (5th), Debakey B (5th), Parish (5th), Cistercian D (5th) Black Top 8: St. John’s Virtue, Cistercian A (2nd),
LASA Grasshopper (3rd), LASA Cricket (3rd), Bellaire (5th), St. John’s
Faith (5th), Harmony A (7th), St. Mark’s A (7th)
Belton is the 18th school
to win a Texas Quiz Bowl tournament. St. John’s School is the all-time
winningest program in TQBA history; this victory is its 17th tournament
Texas Quiz Bowl’s next two varsity events will be the Winter Rodeo in Houston on January 19, 2013 and Bexar Bowl in San Antonio on February 2, 2013. Registration for both events is open.
Holy Family Catholic School (Austin) won both the white and green
divisions at this past weekend’s TQBA Middle School Holiday Hoedown
hosted at the Village School. Holy Family’s winning teams defeated teams
from Kealing Middle School and Village Middle School respectively in
the white and green finals. A total of 19 teams participated in the
Full Statistics from the event are available here.
Texas Quiz Bowl next’s Houston-area middle school event will be the
Junior Rodeo on February 16, 2013. The 4th annual Texas Quiz Bowl Middle
School Championships will be held on March 23, 2013. Playoff Results
[White] Holy Family A 410 St. John’s 290
[White] Village A 310 Rogers 295
[White] Kealing Red 355 Kealing Black 280
[White] Kealing Squirrels 395 Beck 255
[Green] Village B 315 McMeans B 175
[Green] Holy Family C 275 McMeans A 185
[Green] Holy Family B 405 St. Michael’s 205
[Green] St. Clare A 255 St. Thomas More 210
[White] Kealing Squirrels 395 Village A 230
[White] Holy Family A 390 Kealing Red 290
[Green] Holy Family B 395 St. Clare A 105
[Green] Village B 320 Holy Family C 195
[White] Holy Family A 355 Kealing Squirrels 330
[Green] Holy Family B 410 Village B 195
Dallas St. Mark’s made its season debut in TQBA competition,
claiming the high school and middle school titles at the Metroplex
Challenge at Greenhill School in Addison. Full stats can be found here.
The St. Mark’s A team of Alex Choy, Sam Libby, Kobi Naseck and Mitch
Lee avenged their only defeat of the day in the final, topping the St.
Mark’s B underclassmen group of Raymond Guo, William Sydney, Ryan
O’Meara and Connor Olson. Both teams were 9-1 on the day.
An all-sophomore St. Mark’s team went 5-3-1 to finish third, while Cistercian’s freshmen went 4-4 to finish fourth.
Libby led the varsity event with 64.5 points per game.
St. Mark’s went 7-1 to win the middle school tournament, with
eighth-grader Patrick Magee leading the way with 65 ppg. A 7-2 St.
Monica’s squad came in second.
Texas Quiz Bowl is pleased to announce its first ever Winter
Training Camp. This camp is aimed at precocious secondary quiz bowl
players from the state of Texas who wish to develop their skills during
the holiday break and hope to compete with the Texas All-Star team this
year or in future years.
The camp will be held from January 2, 2013 through January 5, 2013 at the La Quinta in New Braunfels.
This camp is open to current 7th through 12th graders. Check-in on
Wednesday (Jan 2) will be from 1:00 p.m. through 3:00 p.m. We will start
our camp will a tournament on Wednesday. Check-out on the Saturday
(Jan 5) will be between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. following another tournament.
This camp will focus on four categorical areas: British Literature,
Chemistry, European History, and Thinkers. Each student should include
their choice of categorical focus with registration. Materials provided
at the camp will include an in-depth study guide to lead student
through robust learning of their subject. Students are encouraged to
bring laptops and smart phones to camp (though they are not required).
Wi-Fi will be available and these devices will assist in the learning
Full details are available here: http://www.texasquizbowl.org/camp/2013-winter-camp/
At Saturday’s Bayou City Challenge, Clements A (Fort Bend) and
Fulmore Middle School (Austin) finished undefeated and won the varsity
and middle school green divisions respectively. This is the first ever
TQBA tournament victory for both schools. A total of 48 Texas teams
competed at Strake Jesuit High School in three divisions: varsity,
middle school white, and middle school green. Kealing Middle School won
the middle school white division after avenging an preliminary round
loss to St. John’s. Full Statistics are available here.
The next TQBA varsity event will be the fifth annual HoHoHo at YES Prep SE on December 8th and the next middle school event will be the HoHo at Village School on December 1st.
High School won the 2nd annual San Antonio Express-News Alamo City
Challenge this past weekend at Trinity University in San Antonio. The
team of Carson Casey, Canzhi Ye, Abhinav Ranjan, Jacob Metz, and Ryan
Gabbos finished with a 10-0 record after besting John Jay Academy 400-75
in the final. Full Statistics for the event are available here.
Twenty-four San Antonio teams competed in the event sponsored by the San Antonio Express-News. The four semifinalists (Reagan, Jay, MacArthur, and TMI) all qualified for the 2013 NAQT High School National Championship Tournament in Atlanta in May. Reagan joined LASA as this season’s second automatic qualifier for the 14th annual Texas Quiz Bowl Championship in May.
TQBA plans to host its next San Antonio varsity event, Bexar Bowl on February 2nd. The next TQBA regular season event will be the fifth annual HoHoHo at YES Prep SE on December 8th. Full playoff results: Round of 16: (1) Reagan Green 480, (16) Luling 50;
(8) Reagan Black 285, (9) O’Connor 195;
(4) MacArthur 270, (13) Central Catholic 130;
(5) Champion A 280, (12) Reagan Silver 145;
(2) TMI 295, (15) Comfort 85;
(10) Boerne 205, (7) Johnson 195 (OT);
(3) Jay 325, (14) Judson 65;
(6) Clark A 270, (11) Clark B 240 Quarterfinals: (1) Reagan Green 315, (8) Reagan Black 225;
(4) MacArthur 295, (5) Champion A 215;
(2) TMI 215, (10) Boerne 205;
(3) Jay 295, (6) Clark A 195 Semifinals: (1) Reagan Green 460, (4) MacArthur 20
(3) Jay 380, (2) TMI 120 Final: (1) Reagan Green 400, (3) Jay 75
The inaugural Texas Quiz Show was held in Spring of 2006 with schools
from the Austin area. In the Spring of 2007 through 2011, schools from
the Austin, Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, and San Antonio areas had the
opportunity to participate in the State Championship Round in Austin
each May.
In 2012, the Texas Quiz Show coverage expanded by 100% to eight
regional sites. Students who attend middle school in the Brownsville, El
Paso, Nacogdoches and Lubbock areas may now compete more easily for
pride and prizes! Now 4th Grade students can compete by submitting
questions to stump the middle school contestants and earn prizes. Find
out how elementary students or a team from your middle school can become
a part of this Lone Star showdown and compete against some fo the best
middle school brains in the state today. Visit the Get Involved page for more details.
Questions? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions to find out more about the Texas Quiz Show and how you can enter to be a part of the fun.
Team from Baker Middle School in Corpus Christi
Winners of the 2012 Texas Quiz Show State Championship
Newly Proposed Texas Superstar Youth Sports Group Community Center for Atlanta/Cass County Texas
TSYSG Community Center
This multipurpose center will serve the needs of low income residents both old and young in the Atlanta/Cass County Texas area, it will be a resource for boosting career opportunities and a tremendous asset to the overall development of young people.
Academic Center
Dual purpose Job training center by day for those seeking employment and job skills, learn Software, prep for Certifications and SAT s. Computer training for Senior citizen and for anyone needing to improve their computer skills. Computer Lab for after school program and TSYSG Tutoring program. Available to the Community at large for meetings that contribute to development and improvement of Atlanta/Cass County Texas.
Media Training Program
TSYSG offer Media training to introduce program participants to TV and Radio production. This program will support student run and operated Internet Radio and Live Stream Video broadcast developed around the interest of youth 13 to 18 yrs of age. The Media program will cover and report on TSYSG Team Sports and events Nationwide.
The Lounge and Media Center will be a Networking hub with Free WiFi and Internet access for those who may not other wise have it available. Vending machines available.
GYMNASIUM Facilities
TSYSG plans to be a AAU Basketball Tournament host site. The unique location of being adjacent to Louisiana and Arkansas create the opportunity to host Basketball and Softball events that will generate revenue to cover expenses incur by overall program operations. Facility will also be available daily aerobics classes. Gym area will also include a Batting cage for Softball program.
Tower Garden Project
The Tower Garden project will be a critical part of the Anti Obesity, Child Nutrition program. We will partner with Cass County School Districts to bring children in to tour our Aeroponic Gardens as a Community Service. We will also make fruits and vegetables available to low income families at minimum cost via the SNAP (food stamp) program. This will allow families on public assistance to afford nutritious food at fast food prices. However, the fruits and vegetables produced will be for sale to the public as another means to fund our overall day to day operations. Packaged salads available for any child for Free as an incentive to increase consumption of healthy foods.
TSYSG is dedicated to Youth Development and Academic excellence. Creativity is just as important as athletic prowess and can add to academic achievement.
In a society where media is monopolized and driven by profit, we believe in giving youth the skills and education to take action and create their own media- Media that addresses issues that effect them, that voice their stories, and that reflect their identities and cultures! We believe in using media and digital arts as a tool for self-expression, empowerment, and social change, where the youth are centered in the production and educational process.
Young people should have a voice and be involved in the issues that will effect their future. The TSYSG Media program will offer an introduction to Internet Radio and Online TV show production, operated and produced by program participants ages 13 to 18.
As the job market continues to evolve and change, we want to open up more options for young people to use their creative talents to enhance their future opportunities to make a living and be gainful employed.
Edward Terrell Stiger aka D.I.R.T. (Dope Innovative Rap Technique) is the Director of this Project and will be developing the program going forward. Being a sucessful Independent music producer and radio talk show host we are excited that he accepted the challange a start up Nonprofit Organization can offer.
D.I.R.T. "FaEver More" Official Music Video
No Nonprofit can exist and flourish with out the support of the Community at large, we invite you to join us in creating more opportunity for the Youth of Atlanta/Cass County Texas. Become a "Superstar Partner" you'll be glad you did. http://TSYSG.org
The 2nd part of our discussion with TSYSG CEO E.W. Stiger and the future of "Stiger Youth Development dba Texas Superstar Youth Sports Group" in the Atlanta/Cass County Texas.
by Berick Fields
Berick Fields: Mr. Stiger, we left off with you giving details about how people in the Community could volunteer to assist TSYSG in their Community. What are some of the advantages of volunteering for a nonprofit organization.
E.W. Stiger: Great question Berick. Being a Volunteer is a winning proposition for everyone. In fact, volunteering can be a great way to develop skills, learn more about career options, make friends, garner new professional contacts, get exercise and make your Community a better place to live and work.
Add volunteering to your resume. Businesses, want to see that you are someone who is active in your community in the service of others, so show them how you took the initiative to volunteer at a local nonprofit and be specific of what you did. Being the leader or creating a new and helpful tool will prove to the potential employer that you are an asset to their organization.
Work experience is invaluable; there are some things you can?t learn in school. So by volunteering, you are in a new environment, observing people in their jobs and hopefully you are given tasks that challenge you. If not, ask! We can certainly assist you with that.
Berick Fields: Those are all excellent points I had not considered before. You refer to TSYSG volunteers as "Superstar Partners" why is that?
E.W. Stiger: We think it takes a special type of person to be selfless and give of their time and resources to aid in the betterment of others. In my opinion it's takes "SUPER" human effort to serve other and not expect something in return, that's a "STAR" like quality that shines brightly and should be recognized. In addition, Volunteers don't work for us, they "PARTNER" With us to help accomplish the mission of helping Young People reach their full potential. Thus the designation "Superstar Partner" vs Volunteer. It's easy to sign up at our website, http://TSYSG.org
Berick Fields: When is your target date to have TSYSG up and operating in the Atlanta/Cass County Texas area?
E.W. Stiger: Berick, we don't have a firm target date, but we do plan some events soon in the Atlanta TX area to introduce ourselves and let the Community know who we are and what our goal are for the area. The more Community support we can attract the faster we can be up and operating and changing lives for the better for Youth in Cass County Texas. We will be reaching out for people who want to serve as Coaches, Tutors, Social Media Management Instructors, Fund Raisers and basically any skill or expertise that will contribute to the success of our Mission.
Berick Fields: Why did TSYSG choose to empathize Academics as part of your Youth Group? Most Organization of this type only deal with the team sports aspect.
E.W. Stiger: Berick, I'm glad you thought to asked that question. Our over all Mission is to "Create the Leaders of Tomorrow TODAY". Leaders are confident, self assured and take charge no matter the situation. Often young people who have challenges academically will not exhibit those qualities because of the obvious reasons. They may lack confidence because they have certain limitations. On the other hand, a young person who has academic accomplishments to go along with the natural benefits youth get from participating in athletics, are more likely to feel comfortable taking the Lead and not shy away from challenges no matter where they come from.
Berick Fields: Mr. Stiger, we want to thank you for taking the time to talk with us and I am personally excited abut this Organization and it's Mission. I have no doubt the people of east Texas will embrace "Texas Superstar Youth Sports" and make it a success for years to come. Thank You again.
Why will Texas Superstar Youth Sports be successful in Atlanta/Cass
County Texas? Interview with CEO E.W. Stiger Part 1
by Berick Fields
We have received some inquires about TSYSG and the impact it will have on
Atlanta and the Cass County area. We'd like to thank Mr. Stiger for
sitting down with us and joining in the discussion.
Berick Fields: Mr. Stiger we wanna thank you for taking the time to sit down with us here at The "STAR" newsletter to talk about the future of Texas Superstar Sports in rural East Texas namely Cass County. First of all why the decision to come to East Texas?
E.W. Stiger: Thanks for having me Berick, I love what you and the staff
do with The "STAR" Newsletter, it's very informative. First of all and
foremost, I was born and raised in Cass County Texas in a small
community called "Gum Springs" and 76' grad of Atlanta High school, so that is where my heart and roots are.
Secondly, 23.1 of the residents of Cass County are 17 yrs old and under
and the resources for young people are limited as they are in my areas
across the Country , so there is a need for Youth Development in
east Texas, no question about that.
Berick Fields: With the Economic restraints you find in a low income area like Cass County, do you think the financial support will be there for a Nonprofit Organization of this type.
E.W. Stiger: That is a excellent question Berick. My answer is
Absolutely! Cass County Texas ranked 1,479 out of 3,115 Counties in Texas
in charitable giving with a total of $6.4 million the latest data shows.
With that being said, WE as a Organization have to offer something of value to
the community at large to earn that type of trust.
Berick Fields: That answer leads me into my next question, what is it that the "Stiger Youth Development Group dba Texas Superstar Youth Sports Group will be offering to the Youth of Atlanta/Cass County Texas that will bring the support you anticipate getting.
E.W. Stiger: Berick, this is the part where I get excited. TSYSG is here
to HELP Parents and the Community excel, We are offering the opportunity
for Young people to reach there full potential and become the Leaders of
Tomorrow TODAY,
This is an Organization
who's main goal is to give the Youth of Atlanta/Cass County Texas
opportunity for College Scholarships by combining Academic Excellence
with Athletic
Skill and Citizenship. In reality there are more academic Scholarships available than Athletic.
TSYSG will feature a Youth Football program that will be 2nd to non in
the State and Country, we will compete on a National Level thru "Pop
Warner" which will allow our young people to measure themselves aganist
the best competition in the Country. The TSYSG Basketball program will be
AAU affiliated allowing our program participants to compete against the
best talent in the Country.
TSYSG has a commitment to Girls Softball with a former Rabbit All State
player Megan Birmingham directing that program and we will have full a
service Tutoring Program, each program participant will be evaluated
academically and if needed will be assigned a customized tutoring
regiment to get them where they need to be with their academics.
And one of my favorites programs is the TOWER GARDEN Project, where TSYSG
will assign teams of participants to grow fruits and vegetables which will
be sold to support the program and be given to needy families and the local
Food Bank.
Berick Fields: What is your #1 priority as you prepare locate this Nonprofit Youth Development Group to Atlanta/Cass County Texas?
E.W.Stiger: The critical thing for TSYSG right now is getting people in the Atlanta/Cass County Texas Community to become "Superstar Partners" by simply signing up at the TSYSG website. It's FREE and there is no obligation. Becoming a "Superstar Partner" only signifies that you see the value in this Program for the Community and that perhaps at some point you will decide to Volunteer, Coach, Tutor, Contribute, or help in some other way where you have expertise or skills. We want and need to build a base of "Partners" going forward.