24 students attend TQBA Winter Camp
For three days in early January, 24 students from across the
state of Texas participated in the first ever Texas Quiz Bowl Winter
Training Camp in New Bruanfels. The students participated in 20 practice
matches, attended lectures about learning theories applicable to quiz
bowl, and participated in seminars about the construction and writing of
tossups. Each student focused on one of British Literature, European
History, Chemistry, or Thinkers.

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Belton & St. John’s win HoHoHo V!
Red Top 8: Belton A, St. Mark’s C (2nd), Awty (3rd), Clements B (3rd), Clements A (5th), Debakey B (5th), Parish (5th), Cistercian D (5th)
Black Top 8: St. John’s Virtue, Cistercian A (2nd), LASA Grasshopper (3rd), LASA Cricket (3rd), Bellaire (5th), St. John’s Faith (5th), Harmony A (7th), St. Mark’s A (7th)
Belton is the 18th school to win a Texas Quiz Bowl tournament. St. John’s School is the all-time winningest program in TQBA history; this victory is its 17th tournament win.
Texas Quiz Bowl’s next two varsity events will be the Winter Rodeo in Houston on January 19, 2013 and Bexar Bowl in San Antonio on February 2, 2013. Registration for both events is open.
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Holy Family wins HoHo!
Holy Family Catholic School (Austin) won both the white and green divisions at this past weekend’s TQBA Middle School Holiday Hoedown hosted at the Village School. Holy Family’s winning teams defeated teams from Kealing Middle School and Village Middle School respectively in the white and green finals. A total of 19 teams participated in the event.
Full Statistics from the event are available here. Texas Quiz Bowl next’s Houston-area middle school event will be the Junior Rodeo on February 16, 2013. The 4th annual Texas Quiz Bowl Middle School Championships will be held on March 23, 2013.
Playoff Results
[White] Holy Family A 410 St. John’s 290
[White] Village A 310 Rogers 295
[White] Kealing Red 355 Kealing Black 280
[White] Kealing Squirrels 395 Beck 255
[Green] Village B 315 McMeans B 175
[Green] Holy Family C 275 McMeans A 185
[Green] Holy Family B 405 St. Michael’s 205
[Green] St. Clare A 255 St. Thomas More 210
[White] Kealing Squirrels 395 Village A 230
[White] Holy Family A 390 Kealing Red 290
[Green] Holy Family B 395 St. Clare A 105
[Green] Village B 320 Holy Family C 195
[White] Holy Family A 355 Kealing Squirrels 330
[Green] Holy Family B 410 Village B 195
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St. Mark’s claims Varsity, Middle School titles at Metroplex event
Dallas St. Mark’s made its season debut in TQBA competition, claiming the high school and middle school titles at the Metroplex Challenge at Greenhill School in Addison. Full stats can be found here.
The St. Mark’s A team of Alex Choy, Sam Libby, Kobi Naseck and Mitch Lee avenged their only defeat of the day in the final, topping the St. Mark’s B underclassmen group of Raymond Guo, William Sydney, Ryan O’Meara and Connor Olson. Both teams were 9-1 on the day.
An all-sophomore St. Mark’s team went 5-3-1 to finish third, while Cistercian’s freshmen went 4-4 to finish fourth.
Libby led the varsity event with 64.5 points per game.
St. Mark’s went 7-1 to win the middle school tournament, with eighth-grader Patrick Magee leading the way with 65 ppg. A 7-2 St. Monica’s squad came in second.
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TQBA announces Winter Camp with 2 full tournaments…
Texas Quiz Bowl is pleased to announce its first ever Winter
Training Camp. This camp is aimed at precocious secondary quiz bowl
players from the state of Texas who wish to develop their skills during
the holiday break and hope to compete with the Texas All-Star team this
year or in future years.
The camp will be held from January 2, 2013 through January 5, 2013 at the La Quinta in New Braunfels. This camp is open to current 7th through 12th graders. Check-in on Wednesday (Jan 2) will be from 1:00 p.m. through 3:00 p.m. We will start our camp will a tournament on Wednesday. Check-out on the Saturday (Jan 5) will be between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. following another tournament.
This camp will focus on four categorical areas: British Literature, Chemistry, European History, and Thinkers. Each student should include their choice of categorical focus with registration. Materials provided at the camp will include an in-depth study guide to lead student through robust learning of their subject. Students are encouraged to bring laptops and smart phones to camp (though they are not required). Wi-Fi will be available and these devices will assist in the learning process.
Full details are available here: http://www.texasquizbowl.org/camp/2013-winter-camp/
The camp will be held from January 2, 2013 through January 5, 2013 at the La Quinta in New Braunfels. This camp is open to current 7th through 12th graders. Check-in on Wednesday (Jan 2) will be from 1:00 p.m. through 3:00 p.m. We will start our camp will a tournament on Wednesday. Check-out on the Saturday (Jan 5) will be between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. following another tournament.
This camp will focus on four categorical areas: British Literature, Chemistry, European History, and Thinkers. Each student should include their choice of categorical focus with registration. Materials provided at the camp will include an in-depth study guide to lead student through robust learning of their subject. Students are encouraged to bring laptops and smart phones to camp (though they are not required). Wi-Fi will be available and these devices will assist in the learning process.
Full details are available here: http://www.texasquizbowl.org/camp/2013-winter-camp/
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Clements & Fulmore earn first tournament victories at Bayou City
At Saturday’s Bayou City Challenge, Clements A (Fort Bend) and Fulmore Middle School (Austin) finished undefeated and won the varsity and middle school green divisions respectively. This is the first ever TQBA tournament victory for both schools. A total of 48 Texas teams competed at Strake Jesuit High School in three divisions: varsity, middle school white, and middle school green. Kealing Middle School won the middle school white division after avenging an preliminary round loss to St. John’s. Full Statistics are available here.
The next TQBA varsity event will be the fifth annual HoHoHo at YES Prep SE on December 8th and the next middle school event will be the HoHo at Village School on December 1st.
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Reagan wins SAEN Alamo City Challenge
Twenty-four San Antonio teams competed in the event sponsored by the San Antonio Express-News. The four semifinalists (Reagan, Jay, MacArthur, and TMI) all qualified for the 2013 NAQT High School National Championship Tournament in Atlanta in May. Reagan joined LASA as this season’s second automatic qualifier for the 14th annual Texas Quiz Bowl Championship in May.
TQBA plans to host its next San Antonio varsity event, Bexar Bowl on February 2nd. The next TQBA regular season event will be the fifth annual HoHoHo at YES Prep SE on December 8th.
Full playoff results:
Round of 16: (1) Reagan Green 480, (16) Luling 50;
(8) Reagan Black 285, (9) O’Connor 195;
(4) MacArthur 270, (13) Central Catholic 130;
(5) Champion A 280, (12) Reagan Silver 145;
(2) TMI 295, (15) Comfort 85;
(10) Boerne 205, (7) Johnson 195 (OT);
(3) Jay 325, (14) Judson 65;
(6) Clark A 270, (11) Clark B 240
Quarterfinals: (1) Reagan Green 315, (8) Reagan Black 225;
(4) MacArthur 295, (5) Champion A 215;
(2) TMI 215, (10) Boerne 205;
(3) Jay 295, (6) Clark A 195
Semifinals: (1) Reagan Green 460, (4) MacArthur 20
(3) Jay 380, (2) TMI 120
Final: (1) Reagan Green 400, (3) Jay 75
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